Build Your Brand With Backlinks: What They Do & How to Make Them Work for You

BY IN Uncategorized, 31.10.2017

When seeking to increase your SEO ranking, considering backlink placement is essential. Backlinks are incoming links to a webpage. Pages with a lot of backlinks tend to rank higher on larger search engines. However, you want to focus on quality backlinks that are relevant to postings’ subject matter. One of the advantages of incorporating backlinks is that they help get referral traffic. Referral traffic often hones in on a specific audience and contributes a lower bounce rate. Generating backlinks for your site can increase viewership and sales. Here are some tactics you can implement to gain more backlinks.

Contribute Guest Posts

Blogger outreach is great way to network in order to gain more traffic and credibility. Offer to publish articles on others websites to gain new readers and more exposure. Research the sites influencers are contributing to and post on these same pages. Use anchor text with links to your site to gain more traffic. To optimize results, use the tool BuzzSumo. It enables users to find top performing content in a specific niche. You will then be able to reach out to those who produce the most popular content. This will increase the visibility of your post resulting in more clicks for your backlinks.

Write Testimonials

An easy and fast way to earn backlinks is to offer to write testimonials for other sites. You can earn authoritative links by giving your opinion of a product. You can pitch your offer by asking for a link in exchange for your review. Brand owners are always looking for ways to show their product has proven results. Your contribution can help them sell more products while generating more web traffic for your own brand.

Engage on Forums and Discussion Boards

Get notified through Google Alerts about instances when keywords pertaining to your niche or site are mentioned. Venture to sites discussing your brand’s industry and contribute to the conversation. Respond to questions and provide insight while incorporating your link naturally into the text. This may cause individuals to view you as a credible source and lead them to your site. It is also a way for you to network with others in your industry who can use your site as a reference in their own blogs.

Link to Other Relevant Sites

While you want to build backlinks for your pages, it is helpful to share others links on your own site. Email the individual and tell them you referenced their site. Many bloggers or website owners will already have alert tools that let them know their site was mentioned. If they see you posted about their site, they may reciprocate the action by republishing your content on social media. This can gain you more backlinks and extend your reach. While there is no guarantee that this method will work, it a good way to network with others in your niche.

Pay Attention to the Competition

Find out what sites are linking to your competition. Tools such as Cognitive SEO will show you which sites recently linked to your competition. Once you have pinpointed these pages, send them an email with information about your brand. Familiarize them with what you have to offer since chances are they are unfamiliar with your product. This could result in these sites choosing to reference you with backlinks in the future increasing your visibility.

Broken Link Building

Another way to increase the amount of backlinks present online is by identifying sites that suffer from “linkrot”. As creators revamp their sites and move content, they risk having some of their links lead to nowhere. Broken link building mends this issue and gains you more traffic. Domain Hunter Plus is one tool you can use to quickly check for dead links on a page. When you identify a link that pertains to your subject matter but doesn’t function right, write a blog post on the same topic. You should then notify the owner of the site about the broken link. Tell them about your post and request that it be referenced.

Monitor Your Backlinks

Once you have established backlinks on other pages, pay attention to how they succeed using the site Monitor Backlinks. You will get information on backlinks to your site, and be alerted when competitors get new links. You can then research the sites hosting competitor links to see if they will also embed backlinks to your site. Also take note of how successful backlinks are to your site. This will enable you to choose which sites to further pursue for more content.

In order to position your site at the top of search engines, ensuring backlinks are present on other sites is essential. You want to build your brand by contributing to quality websites. This will drive up your credibility and lead you to gain traffic for your page.

