Is your website mobile-friendly?

BY IN Basics of Web Design, 7.06.2017

Make Sure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

It’s no secret that the wave of the future is mobile devices. Many people do everything from paying bills to shopping on their mobile devices. This is why it behooves the savvy business owner to make sure that his website is just as accessible and user-friendly across mobile devices as it is for the PC. Luckily, there are things that you can do to prepare so that you don’t get lost in the mobile wave.

Google Uses Mobile Friendliness for Ranking

Google’s new algorithm will use mobile friendliness for ranking purposes. This is huge if your website has not yet come on board and made updates to become mobile friendly across a variety of devices. This could effect where you land or if you land at all on search engine results pages (SERPS). Your upgraded web optimization plan should include mobile compatibility. This alone is motivation to get on the ball if you haven’t already. The visibility of your business rests on a mobile-friendly web development plan.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Fortunately, you don’t have to guess when it comes to how mobile friendly your website is. Google has created a test to provide this valuable information. The test is very user-friendly. If your site is mobile-friendly a simple green banner will appear stating that it is. If it’s not, you will get a message stating this accompanied by the reasons why it’s not.

Use the W3C mobileOK Checker

The World Wide Web Consortium also has a tool to check mobile friendliness as well. If you are more proficient with the technical side, this may be a tool that you’d prefer. This site provides technical recommendations as well as a severity rating for each of their findings. This allows you to tackle the most serious problems first. This is a good tool for anyone who is familiar with the more technical components of their website.

Use HubSpot’s Marketing Grader

If you are interested in a full comprehensive report that will yield information about everything from mobile web optimization and web development to your marketing efforts, HubSPot’s marketing grader will do this. This tool assesses your blog and social media accounts, as well as your SEO and mobile optimization. This tool will also give your website a numeric score up to 100, in addition to a preview of your site in a mobile format along with recommendations.

Google ranking results now use mobile-friendliness as part of their ranking criteria. Website’s that are not yet mobile friendly should make sure to change this by advising with one of the search optimization companies online to get the proper help but if they would rather make the changes by themselves, they should talk with their web development person.There are a variety of tools that can be used to check mobile responsiveness that run the gamut from user-friendly to technical. Step into the future and make sure that your website is as visible as possible by making sure it’s mobile friendly. Mobile is the future. Mobile devices are used to do a wide variety of things from paying bills to making purchases. The mobile wave has hit and websites need to be mobile ready if they want to keep up with this trend.

