What Are the Web Security Basics for Your Website?

BY IN Uncategorized, 13.10.2020

If you have a business or a blog, it’s obvious that you have a website, too. But how secure do you maintain your website? It’s important for anyone out there to understand the value of securing your website. As many of you might have read the news, hackers are all over on the internet, trying to gain access to websites. We certainly don’t know the exact motives why hackers attack websites, but it doesn’t really matter; it’s vital to protect your website’s security. Technology is changing, or better said, evolving, and it becomes incredibly hard for many businesses to keep their personal and client’s data secure.

Security is important because cybercriminals and hackers are constantly trying to attack websites and steal sensitive information. Without a security strategy, most businesses risk the spread of attacks on other websites and networks. If a hacker successfully attacks a website, they spread to other computers, making it hard to find the source. How do you know if your website is secure? Well, there are many ways to secure your website and make it trustworthy. Avoid the risk of cyber attacks and include these following elements into your security strategy.

Use strong passwords

This is a tip that should be followed by anyone, no matter what websites of social platforms they’re using. Passwords should be hard to guess, as these are responsible to protect your most important documents and other files on your computer. Back in the days, passwords used to be built 3 to 4 characters – enough to keep your information safe. However, technology evolved, so have the ways to crack passwords. That’s why your passwords need at least 8 characters, including using capitals, numbers, and letters, to make it less possible to be cracked. Always make sure that your passwords aren’t familiar phrases, such as “I love my wife.” – a hacker will guess that in no time. Use stronger and larger passwords, such as “ILm4wLl&y.” However, make sure that you create passwords that you’ll remember. Don’t use the same password twice – if someone hacks your account, they’ll be able to access your bank accounts, and other important information.

Never use unsecured networks

The internet is indeed a risky place to access, so website security is critical. When you’re logging into economic and other critical websites, take a look at the address bar. It must start with “HTTPS”, meaning that it’s secured due to the added “s”. If it doesn’t, there are two possibilities: either you have logged in to the wrong website, or it’s a fake one. If a link seems suspicious to you, make sure that you don’t click on it. And especially do not log in your bank accounts or other important information. Avoid connecting to a Wi-Fi in public places, unless you make sure that visitor data is secure. Or, use a VPN to hide your online activities from hackers and other online operators. Cybercriminals often set up a fake wireless access point, so you’re likely to be a victim of a cyber-attack. These intruders often gain access to unsecured Wi-Fi networks and use them for illegal purposes. The dangers of using unsecured networks are many, so make sure you take measures and ensure your online safety.

Use several email addresses

When email was invented, it transformed the way people shared information between one another. It quickly became the preferred way for people to send letters or communicate, but it also helped to protect personal information from the eyes of the curious. Email is quite secure, but there’s something that can impact its privacy. Email addresses come with a name, allowing strangers to reach easier to you. But you can protect your privacy by creating multiple email addresses. It will help you separate business and personal, keep your identity secret, filter spam, and act as a backup. In many cases, you’ll need to communicate your email address and name to be contacted by certain people, sign up to different web pages, write reviews, or leave comments on articles. But you can create another email address, apart from your personal one. This way, you’ll protect your privacy online.

Don’t post your email address everywhere

Another important thing is to be cautious about posting your email address everywhere. It’s like an invitation to spam – spammers and hackers search for email addresses for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons would be to abuse your information and possibly you. Simply put: the more you post your email address on the internet, the likely you are to get more and more spam. Spammers visit many websites and collect email addresses to use against certain people they might or might not know. This happens a lot particularly on social media platforms. Posting your email on your Facebook or Instagram is like you’re giving it to spammers. People can see it, because it’s public, so you’re increasing the chances of being spammed. Everyone can start abusing you through your email, if they want. Of course, most people won’t do it, but it is very possible, though.

Bottom line

It’s essential to frequently do security scans to see if there are any vulnerabilities on your website. These checks should be done whenever changes have been made to the website. You can consider developing a relationship with a company that provides security services that can protect your website from being scammed. There are many small things that could be completed by yourself; but only the hand of a good expert could handle the security measures of a website. These companies can provide full security and can scan your website for exposures, and monitor for malicious activity. So, make sure that you and your team are aware of these facts, and always be alert in protecting the safety of your website. These useful tips are the most basic ones from all the things you could do to protect your website’s security. Don’t stop from searching security options for your website. Don’t let hackers win!


