How SEO & Social Media Can Work Together

BY IN Uncategorized, 2.11.2017

The best way to describe SEO would be the means of convincing Google that your site is the best possible search engine result for a product or service that you are providing for. Typically, SEO falls under marketing and social media efforts fall under PR which in turn creates a conflict in strategy within the business. Therefore, don’t both combine to have an impact on a page’s SEO page ranking. Google rather treats social media posts as individual web pages when it comes to a search.

One of the biggest problems associated with social online efforts is that you don’t get the same amount of authentic links from quality site; however social media allows immediate feedback and higher engagement parameters, if your content is good and there are people willing to stick around and to engage to read it, this communicates valuable metrics to search engines. With this in mind, the relationship of the two can in turn be an extremely effective tool in winning Google over in the search ranking efforts.

Let’s have a look at some strategies that combine in creating a powerful collaboration.

Create more valuable content

SEO can significantly benefit from social media in terms of gaining valuable knowledge through audience insights. With this knowledge, it will make it easier to know which audiences expanded, how to better engage with certain demographics and most importantly how to best channel your creative efforts.

Furthermore, knowing what gets the best responses and to strategically position the approach allows for vital budget knowledge in terms of where to put the money and where not to put the money.

The content can also enhance outreach success and improve online reputation which is extremely important. There are many analytical tools you can use to get even the most detailed information of who is viewing your content. The idea is to ensure you are building content that is conductive to link building.

You’ll reach a wider range of people if you coordinate your PR and marketing efforts across all social media and web based platforms. Social media can especially be efficient because of the reach and ability to share posts across platforms. The key is to get your messages out quicker so that the audience appropriately shares your content.

Social Media can be a Valuable Measurement

Social media is without doubt the easiest way to push out your SEO content. When the posts are up and running, it is important to keep a close eye on the metrics involved, for example the number of likes, the number of comments and shares on a particular post.

If the topic is a success or a waste of time, an analysis of the metrics will give a clear indication on the overall success or failure of the content formats. Social media posts that generate traffic to your site may not have translated in a conversion.

However the information that is posted ensures that the message spoke to your audience and at the end of the month it is important to review the Tweets and posts via the various social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook with the main intention of looking for common themes such as problems or solutions to your product.  At the end of the day, the marketer with the most metrics wins!

Improve Response Times of Negative Reviews

Not everyone is going to be happy with your products or services, although this is the ideal objective of your business. Rather viewing negative reviews as a logistical nightmare, it should be more of opportunity to repair customer complaints and problems associated with products or services; the overall goal is to improve your response times so that you build a positive online reputation.

Following the activity through the various social media channels, acting quickly to negative social media reviews minimises the negative effect to your search engine rankings, responding at a personal level of attentiveness to resolve the issue and avoid escalation that could be a detriment to future SEO efforts. A live chat agent for example responding to various customer queries is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools with improving customer response times.

Developing Positive Relationships with Social Influencers

Social influencers have become a powerful social media tool; users develop a sense of trust as a source of information via the social influencers. Keywords are essentially useless today without a comprehensive understanding of the user’s intent of choosing a keyword.

With carefully selecting keywords that catch the eye of some key influencers, many are looking to actively engage in your content; the trick is to provide succinct keywords to properly engage with social influencers.

Keeping a Close eye on Competitors

Growing competition is a continuous feature of today’s business world, the significance of observing what they do is critical for standing out in the industry. Closely monitoring the competition can help determine the strategic audiences they are going after and what methods they are using the reach consumers.

With this in mind, with close investigation over competitors and by adjusting you SEO techniques, there is an opportunity to reach audiences your competitors have potentially missed, paving the way for creating ways to direct flow of traffic back to your website via social media platforms.

The collaboration of social media and SEO doesn’t work in conjunction as far as directly building your websites page rank, however, understanding one another can be extremely reliable channel in terms of your brand.

It is important that the social media strategy should be closely linked to the overall SEO strategy. Promoting content and monitoring feedback also plays an integral role, improving response times of negative feedback goes a long way in the overall search engine optimisation strategy.

