4 Business Card Guidelines That Will Win Web Design Clients

BY IN Uncategorized, 19.04.2017

One of the best things about design templates is that you don’t have to think too much about layout. You just add your information and you’re ready to go, right? Wrong!


Templates are a great place to start—but they’re not all created equal. What works well for one business may not work at all for others. That’s why you need to know what a good layout looks like before you pick out a template. Then, you can find one that works for your brand.

Company Folders, an experienced business card designer, invites you to try these 4 fantastic tips for choosing an effective business card layout.

1. Give your logo prime real estate

Your logo is one of the most important parts of your business card, because it builds trust and engages people’s minds. Putting your logo near the top or left side of your design can make it even more effective. Since people start reading from the top left of a page, they’ll naturally look to your logo first.

2. Make one side photographic

It’s been said that “art reaches the heart in a way words can’t “—which means pictures communicate more emotion than words. Using a photo to cover one whole side of the card will make a stronger impression on recipients. You can show them your products, location, or even yourself.

3. Create visual hierarchy

Anybody can use different font sizes to create visual interest, but random typography will hurt your design in the long run. Have a plan for your text. Different font sizes—or even different typefaces—should show people which information on your card is the most important. Big, bold fonts are for important elements; small, easy-to-read ones are for details.

4. Group related contact information

Disorganized contact information is one of the quickest ways to confuse clients. You’ll want to make sure the contact info on your card is grouped in a logical order, so they can find the information they need when they need it. For instance, mobile and work phone numbers should be near each other, while email addresses pair better with URLs.


Want more great tips for designing an awe-inspiring business card? You can learn more cool design tips and tricks from this infographic and from these cool business card ideas on the Company Folders blog.

