Boost Your Engagement With a WordPress Landing Page

BY IN Uncategorized, 11.11.2019

If you run a small business (or even a major organization), a business website is a vital tool for engaging with customers and getting those all-important sales conversions. Many businesses turn to a website, allowing their online operations to be noticeable. However, with a WordPress post-click landing page, you can get more specific attention to products and offers.

It is worth noting that a post-click landing page is different from your homepage. Your website home will be the navigational front door to the rest of the website. A landing page details something specific, such as an offer or a subscription to your products and services. Your homepage may also have this information, but the landing page is a guaranteed conversion if the user interacts with it.

For example, if you operate a blog that reviews online casinos such as NetBet casino, a landing page could be used to offer users the opportunity to sing up to your monthly newsletter. If the users interact and click the “Sign Up” option, that is an automatic conversion. Of course, any reputable landing page would have an option for the user to close the window and not sign up!

With a WordPress landing page, your visitors will be connected to a service or product in a single action, without needing to navigate your website. This makes them a very powerful tool for creating leads and pushing conversions.

While it is possible to create a landing page for any content management system (CMS), WordPress has some inherent benefits.

Forget about coding

Many of the benefits WordPress provides for a landing page are also useful in the general scheme of website design for small businesses.

WordPress has become the most powerful and popular CMS for a reason, it’s free and easy to use. From starting a blog or a website to using a plugin has never been easy. No knowledge of code is needed to create a landing page as there is a plugin available that will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Design help

Another excellent tool at WordPress’ disposal is its vast catalog of templates and themes. Yes, other CMS solutions also have templates, but the WordPress community is so big that designs are seemingly endless. With thousands of templates to choose from you are sure to find one that will best suit your plans for a landing page. Because WordPress does support coding as well, you are free to customize these designs.

Just remember, with a landing page, less usually means more. A minimalistic approach will allow the visitor to be focused on the content and not be distracted.

Single Focus

A frequent mistake business owners’ make when creating a landing page is to add too many elements to the page. Every post-click landing should have just one focus. For example, don’t put a sign-up button and a purchase button together.

Visitors value being able to make an easy decision and not be overburdened with too many options.


As you can see, a WordPress landing page for your business can be a very powerful tool. Whether you use the page to drive sales, capture leads, or gain sign-up subscriptions, a post-click landing page is an excellent way to guide visitors to the next step of the purchasing journey.

