Web Design and Color Theory

Web design is obviously a very visual type of communication, and colors play a very essential part in this. Understanding the meaning of colors, how they work together and what emotions each color evokes, you can create better websites and provide your customers with powerful tools for gaining true success.

color in web design

Top 10 Personal Page Web Templates

Can you imagine a modern business without a website? A professional without an online presence? A creative person without an online portfolio? Well, me neither. These days you have to be online if you want to be noticed and hired. And even if you are not looking for a job, blogs have never been this popular before, it seems to be the age of sharing yourself with the world via internet.

blog templates

10 Free Photo Stocks To Decorate Your Website for Xmas

Photography is a substantial part of web design, I think there’s no arguing about that. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find really good stock photos these days, especially free ones.

I love free resources and deals (obviously), so I’m in constant search of all freebies related to web design. Today I’m gonna share the most recent collection of mine – 10 free image stocks with high quality photos.


How To Create Better Mobile Web Typography

Creating designs which are as effective and pleasing to the eye on a desktop PC as they are on a mobile device presents any designer with a number of challenges. The reality is that creating responsive websites for mobile devices is a skill every single web designer needs to learn, unless they want to be left behind when the industry, and its customers, moves forwards. One of the key areas to focus on when looking at the typography for a mobile site is a better understanding of
audience behaviour and need; if you can gain a better understanding of that then your mobile web
typography will improve dramatically as a result.

better mobilе web typography

15 Joomla Templates With Parallax Effects

Parallax scrolling is not a new trend in web design, as a matter of fact – it’s been around for a few years already. One might think such a thing would fade away by now, but it looks like parallax trend is not going anywhere.


Five Essential WordPress Plugins

I know you’re probably confused by the sheer volume of plugins available for WordPress, and which of them you actually need. Believe me it’s very easy to wind up a with WordPress site which is crammed full of plugins you don’t use, and probably can’t even remember installing in the first place.

So what I want to do with this blog post is highlight the plugins/types of plugins which you absolutely do need, and then anything else you choose to install is up to you.
wp plugins

10 Latest WordPress Themes With Photo Backgrounds

If you want your WordPress website to make a statement and stand out among the crowd of competitors you definitely need to consider photo backgrounds. High quality full-screen photos at the background of your website are guaranteed to make a strong visual impact on your visitors.